Hi, I'm Julie and I love to share bits of joy.
Like creating special (and fun) family traditions, celebrating the small moments with big hugs and tiny tea parties, and how I’m embracing mama-hood with a smile...and maybe even a little extra time for myself.
I think that family holds so much magic, from babyhood to adulthood. So, it’s important to me that we celebrate all of it - in my own family here in Lompoc California, and in the LGP family all over the world.
I’ve made this blog into a little place where we can do all of those things together, with teacups and toadstools, tied up with a bow.
Hi Lynn, so sorry about that. It’s downloading on my end, so I’m not sure where the glitch is. Here is the direct download link for you: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0061/4295/1514/files/braver-stronger-smarter.pdf
I click on the image, but it does not download.