from small beginnings come great things free printable

from small beginnings come great things free printable

As you hold your sweet baby girl, and marvel over her tiny little toes, you imagine her all her possible futures. The one thing you know, is that she’ll be amazing at whatever she puts her hand to. Celebrate her small beginnings with this precious free printable for her nursery. Click here: | Little Girl's Pearls ♥ #littlegirlspearls #freeprintable #nursery
When searching around for quotes for your free printable this month, this old American Proverb really spoke to me right now.  I am a worry wart.  I mean seriously, I worry about my kiddos all...the...time!  My boys are 12 and 15, which I truly can't believe.  I have a slide show of their itty bitty baby faces looking at me from my computer screen daily.  I absolutely cannot fathom that from those itty bitty babies I now have a spunky pre-teen and a ginormous teenager.  How on earth did that happen???
from small beginnings - a sweet free printable 8x10 for her baby nursery or little girl room | Little Girl's Pearls ♥
When our oldest was born we had nursing issues.  He was so tiny and sad because he was hungry.  It just broke my heart.  We spent weeks going daily back and forth to the next town to the lactation consultant.  It took 3 months, but we finally got the hang of it.
Come great things - a lovely free printable from Little Girl's Pearls for her baby nursery, baby shower gift or big girl room.
In those early days I was so worried about him gaining weight and growing.  Now he's over 6 feet tall, taller than his daddy, and still growing.  He can polish off a 3 pound pot roast and a couple of pounds of carrots if we let him.  Oh my word.  So in the middle of it, we were terrified and worried constantly...but now from his small beginnings, he has definitely grown and blossomed into a wonderful young man doing great things.  He's studying for his driver's test (what?!?!?) and has become an awesome farmer and wood turner.  So even in the midst of the worry, no matter how tiny your little one is...just know that great things will come from her small beginnings!!
So here's a big old hug to you, mama!  We are totally in this together.  Every age brings a new "small beginning" and in the end, great things will certainly abound!  So print it out and hang it in her nursery or big girl room. ♥
What a wonderful FREE baby shower girft! - from small beginnings come great things - free printable from Little Girl's Pearls
To download your free printable - something perfect to remind you that will all work out - just click the poster below.  You just need a PDF reader to open it.  It fits in an 8x10 frame.  enjoy!!
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Hi, I'm Julie and I love to share bits of joy.

Like creating special (and fun) family traditions, celebrating the small moments with big hugs and tiny tea parties, and how I’m embracing mama-hood with a smile...and maybe even a little extra time for myself.

I think that family holds so much magic, from babyhood to adulthood. So, it’s important to me that we celebrate all of it - in my own family here in Lompoc California, and in the LGP family all over the world.

I’ve made this blog into a little place where we can do all of those things together, with teacups and toadstools, tied up with a bow.

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