Strength and Dignity Free Printable
Julie MillerOur family was a bit more on the "crunchy granola" side of things with co-sleeping, breastfeeding, baby wearing, homemade baby food & cloth diapers... We did what "felt right" for our kiddos. But oh man were there nay-sayers along the way & they shook me to my core! I questioned our decisions regularly. It seems that when you are raising tiny humans everyone and their brother has an opinion on the best way to do it to be sure your kids turn out to be productive members of society.
Now that my boys are 13 and 16 (seriously, when did that happen?), I can look back on all of the minute decisions and see that whatever we had chosen, our boys would've turned out just fine. I am not kidding you. As long as your kids are loved, fed and safe...really the rest is just details. So if you're just starting out on your mama journey, please know that all will be just fine. Raising little people is stressful and exhausting and harrowing - our oldest had colic for four straight months of nightly crying (both him and me) & our youngest didn't sleep through the night until he was 7. But had I known I could have done it all without fear of the future, it would have made my new mama life so much easier. So I'm giving you permission. Permission to do what works for YOUR family. What works for your kid. What works this time, might not work with the next one - and that's okay! Seriously. Roll with it. You, my dear, are clothed in strength and dignity. So whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, whether you cloth diaper or regular diaper, whether you homeschool, private school or public school...they will turn out just fine. Just love them. Love them with all your heart. Give them your time. Give them grace. Then head on into tomorrow and laugh without fear of the future. You've totally got this, mama!
So click on the button above to DOWNLOAD your free printable to remind you that you are AWESOME and you're gonna rock it, mama! ♥ To fit an 8x10 frame, simply trim 1/2" off of either side and 1" off of top and bottom. Voila! A perfect little printable for her nursery or your refrigerator!